Tell people your open-source is better than their closed source

Nevo David
Mar 09, 2024

Well, we all love it when people talk about us. We can enter the conversation to praise ourselves, explain our benefits, and convert some customers.

But the truth is that only more prominent brands enjoy that (mostly).
In Taipy, we have been wildly trying to put our name everywhere, but most of the Reactions we get are: “That’s interesting” or “What’s the difference between you and your competitors?” Taipy is not an established brand—but we will get there.

People don't talk about “company evolution” enough. No, nobody will know who you are in the first year.

Do the things that don’t scale

Try to find every possible conversation in your niche with your competitors and get into the conversation. You can totally self-promote yourself or send people to an article about the benefits of your tool compared to theirs. Don’t be afraid to admit that they are your competitors.

I really love Nick's posts from Trieve. They try to position themselves against big companies such as Algolia with many comparison posts

But the only problem with those posts is that they are being made on the personal feed, and if you don’t have a lot of followers there, you will not get visibility.

Comment on other people's posts

If you want to get the eyes of other developers, you need to check where they are. You don’t always have to pay an influencer to promote your posts and pay money. You can literally comment on other influencers’ posts.

Here is a funny example: my friend Atai commented on Yohei and got more views than the original post.

Be the first to comment

Almost every platform today, such as Linkedin and Twitter, lets you know when somebody posts something. They call it the “bell icon” to be the first to comment - hell, even make a bunch of comments pre-made so you can be the first to comment.

Just think about posts your target audience reads; it doesn’t have to be a competitor.

Meet Crowdlens

You need to find it to know when people are talking about you. There are many tools out there to do it. I have been collaborating with Crowdlens, aka CrowdDev, on their new tool that lets you track keywords in more than ten channels (primarily for developers) to know when people are talking about your keywords:

  • They will research keywords for you based on your website content and volume.

  • Give you real-time alerts over email or other integrations like Slack.

  • API-access (not sure why you would need it yet 😋)

Their plans range between $20 to $249, but you can use the coupon NEVOFRIENDS for an entire month free to test the product and see if it works for you. You can cancel it at any time.

Let’s collaborate

I am not getting paid by CrowdDev, at least not with money.
Please email me if you have a tool that can fit the entire open-source community. I am happy to feature you, too.

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